Written by Emily Harstone | May 2, 2016
Write a 6 word short story that goes with this image.
He wanted to, but he couldn’t.
He still hoped she would come.
So I devived by zero again
He wept as the world fell.
He watched the end, infinity gathered.
“Nothing ever happens,” he thought aloud.
Alan waited patiently for gateway stabilization.
As he imagined it, it became.
And they finally took him home
Her death, his sorrow, time passes.
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He wanted to, but he couldn’t.
He still hoped she would come.
So I devived by zero again
He wept as the world fell.
He watched the end, infinity gathered.
“Nothing ever happens,” he thought aloud.
Alan waited patiently for gateway stabilization.
As he imagined it, it became.
And they finally took him home
Her death, his sorrow, time passes.