Written by Emily Harstone | June 21, 2016
Write a 6 word short story that goes with this image.
They have arrived. We are prepared.
The eye of God beckons you.
Never had he felt more alone.
The light seems so far away
I looked up and regretted jumping.
The book fell and everything changed.
I had never seen light before.
Glorious, beaming sunlight! My daily hope.
With the sunrise, it all began.
And finally she saw the light.
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They have arrived. We are prepared.
The eye of God beckons you.
Never had he felt more alone.
The light seems so far away
I looked up and regretted jumping.
The book fell and everything changed.
I had never seen light before.
Glorious, beaming sunlight! My daily hope.
With the sunrise, it all began.
And finally she saw the light.