Written by Emily Harstone | March 19, 2016
Write a 6 word short story that goes with this image.
Gerald! I said don’t push that!
Rocket fish; blazing toward the heavens.
his mighty power is shown now
out of the blue lightning strikes
It just fell from the sky.
God sent light where it’s needed.
There was no going back now.
Left behind and night was falling
Field goal kicker denies steroid usage.
Ashes ascending, brighter than in life.
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Gerald! I said don’t push that!
Rocket fish; blazing toward the heavens.
his mighty power is shown now
out of the blue lightning strikes
It just fell from the sky.
God sent light where it’s needed.
There was no going back now.
Left behind and night was falling
Field goal kicker denies steroid usage.
Ashes ascending, brighter than in life.