Written by Emily Harstone | July 21, 2016
Write a 6 word short story that goes with this image.
Sweets shared. Hearts joined. Future planned.
Let us pray first, then run.
Where are all the customers hiding?
Finally, a mother and daughter reunion.
She knew the time was now.
You cry how? Eat. No more.
He’ll be here soon, he promised.
Do you want to order appetizers?
Together our traditions shall carry on
Watch me while I teach you.
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Sweets shared.
Hearts joined.
Future planned.
Let us pray first, then run.
Where are all the customers hiding?
Finally, a mother and daughter reunion.
She knew the time was now.
You cry how? Eat. No more.
He’ll be here soon, he promised.
Do you want to order appetizers?
Together our traditions shall carry on
Watch me while I teach you.