Written by Emily Harstone | July 21, 2016
Sometimes freedom is figurative and frightful.
Like birds. We pivoted and pirouetted.
She forgot to go pee first.
Concealed, We soared to the Heavens.
Talk about rising to the occasion!
They escaped, toured the skies untouched.
Flying in the air the destination.
I’m on top of the world.
Leaving giant footprints in the air.
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Sometimes freedom is figurative and frightful.
Like birds. We pivoted and pirouetted.
She forgot to go pee first.
Concealed, We soared to the Heavens.
Talk about rising to the occasion!
They escaped, toured the skies untouched.
Flying in the air the destination.
I’m on top of the world.
Leaving giant footprints in the air.