Written by Emily Harstone | August 9, 2016
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A doo-ragged man chillingly ponders freedom.
Wonder weeps in the wretched darkness.
Lonely pillowcases sleep without a face.
Confused he waited decoding the darkness.
Baseball is coming. He fell asleep.
waiting for eternity is my life
He wasn’t crazy, he’d prove it.
Those circles between us have changed.
Waiting for her to get ready!
I saw my future from behind!
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A doo-ragged man chillingly ponders freedom.
Wonder weeps in the wretched darkness.
Lonely pillowcases sleep without a face.
Confused he waited decoding the darkness.
Baseball is coming. He fell asleep.
waiting for eternity is my life
He wasn’t crazy, he’d prove it.
Those circles between us have changed.
Waiting for her to get ready!
I saw my future from behind!