Written by Emily Harstone | April 12, 2016
Write a 6 word short story that goes with this image.
Chasing the truth never felt Greater.
I can’t wait to tell Mom . .
Running through parking lot of LIFE
Eye of the tiger, Rocky Balboa
He toed the line of life.
Running doesn’t help a lost soul.
The speedster lost his super speed.
The infected had escaped the quarantine.
The portal was ahead, he hoped
The runner races to the finish!
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Chasing the truth never felt Greater.
I can’t wait to tell Mom . .
Running through parking lot of LIFE
Eye of the tiger, Rocky Balboa
He toed the line of life.
Running doesn’t help a lost soul.
The speedster lost his super speed.
The infected had escaped the quarantine.
The portal was ahead, he hoped
The runner races to the finish!