Written by Emily Harstone | December 8, 2016
It was a dream.. never lived.
Secrets held hostage by crumbled walls.
rolling hills obscured a poignant beauty…..
Their childhood laughter still lived there.
Desolation eroded the façade , exposing despair.
Desolate it sits on barren land.
Once inhabited, story buried by time
After the “Skyfall” crew went home.
Abandoned homestead belonging to no one!
How the walls echoed with sorrow.
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It was a dream.. never lived.
Secrets held hostage by crumbled walls.
rolling hills obscured a poignant beauty…..
Their childhood laughter still lived there.
Desolation eroded the façade , exposing despair.
Desolate it sits on barren land.
Once inhabited, story buried by time
After the “Skyfall” crew went home.
Abandoned homestead belonging to no one!
How the walls echoed with sorrow.