Written by Emily Harstone | March 17, 2016
Write a 6 word short story that goes with this image.
She manifested selfless and completely unaware.
Missing Person. Father perfects her sketch.
He would never forget that face
Half here. One eye. No tear.
He brought her back to life.
Time erases pain…Vivid details emerge…
Out of destruction, he created her.
Seeing the world through her eyes
He erased the whole damned face.
Her appearence conceals the emptiness within.
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She manifested selfless and completely unaware.
Missing Person. Father perfects her sketch.
He would never forget that face
Half here. One eye. No tear.
He brought her back to life.
Time erases pain…Vivid details emerge…
Out of destruction, he created her.
Seeing the world through her eyes
He erased the whole damned face.
Her appearence conceals the emptiness within.