Written by Emily Harstone | March 29, 2016
Write a 6 word short story that goes with this image.
Many Ports Ago, Twilight Land Ho
The battered ship run aground abandoned
Treasure of time; holds secrets within
Looking back, how she stranded me.
The ship wrecked, but all survived.
Her derelect beauty graced the shoreline.
Play ground of a childhood’s imagination.
The remains of life well lived.
Bruised and battered, I await rescue.
No care no butiful things exist.
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Many Ports Ago, Twilight Land Ho
The battered ship run aground abandoned
Treasure of time; holds secrets within
Looking back, how she stranded me.
The ship wrecked, but all survived.
Her derelect beauty graced the shoreline.
Play ground of a childhood’s imagination.
The remains of life well lived.
Bruised and battered, I await rescue.
No care no butiful things exist.