Written by Emily Harstone | November 2, 2016
Bike: “I fell. Can’t get up.“
Steal is dead; now we walk.
Then, they came back for me.
Then they came back for me
Jurnee Down the path less traveled
He vanished just like his youth.
The bike is here but not her.
Suddenly, he went toward the light.
Why is this thing called,…Rapture…?
Why is this thing called…Rapture..?
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Bike: “I fell. Can’t get up.“
Steal is dead; now we walk.
Then, they came back for me.
Then they came back for me
Jurnee Down the path less traveled
He vanished just like his youth.
The bike is here but not her.
Suddenly, he went toward the light.
Why is this thing called,…Rapture…?
Why is this thing called…Rapture..?