Written by Emily Harstone | June 7, 2016
Write a 6 word short story that goes with this image.
Smiling, he knew, it was time.
From the depths came his freedom
And the water kept rising.
Pathway ended–God of Infinity awaits.
The Pillars of Atlantis have Fallen
With History below, infinity above, act.
Misty shadows illuminated the treasure trail
Are you convinced yet, little man?
The Edge. Confirmed. The World is Flat.
Rising from the deep, I smile.
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Smiling, he knew, it was time.
From the depths came his freedom
And the water kept rising.
Pathway ended–God of Infinity awaits.
The Pillars of Atlantis have Fallen
With History below, infinity above, act.
Misty shadows illuminated the treasure trail
Are you convinced yet, little man?
The Edge. Confirmed. The World is Flat.
Rising from the deep, I smile.