Written by Emily Harstone | June 7, 2016
Write a 6 word short story that goes with this image.
Sometimes the path is clearly obvious.
The precipice of all that is.
Out of the mist came mystery.
I am looking only to my future
Blocking my destiny, he confronted me.
Not the end, only the beginning.
Looking down was not an option.
I had been supported all along.
Ethereal journey begins in blue fog.
Forever suddenly didn’t feel so long.
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Sometimes the path is clearly obvious.
The precipice of all that is.
Out of the mist came mystery.
I am looking only to my future
Blocking my destiny, he confronted me.
Not the end, only the beginning.
Looking down was not an option.
I had been supported all along.
Ethereal journey begins in blue fog.
Forever suddenly didn’t feel so long.