Written by Emily Harstone | June 7, 2016
Write a 6 word short story that goes with this image.
Wondering if they would become vapors.
Returning home, he paused a moment.
Insignificant being or meaning of everything?
Walking the Balance beam of Life.
balancing act in time in space
Continue or return. It didn’t matter.
Weep no more; she has sailed.
Crossing-over, his new life began.
Life’s beauty is all around us.
On the horizon, two worlds collide.
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Wondering if they would become vapors.
Returning home, he paused a moment.
Insignificant being or meaning of everything?
Walking the Balance beam of Life.
balancing act in time in space
Continue or return. It didn’t matter.
Weep no more; she has sailed.
Crossing-over, his new life began.
Life’s beauty is all around us.
On the horizon, two worlds collide.