Written by Emily Harstone | April 11, 2016
Write a 6 word short story that goes with this image.
Nameless and faceless, standing against fear.
Through the smoke hee transcends reality.
Through the smoke he transcends eternity.
His soul escaped hell , found darkness
And in the smoke, he vanished…
The flair ignited in my pocket.
He suffered from really bad flatulence.
The tagged leader found his fate.
Then finally the demon was released.
The revolution would not be stopped.
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Nameless and faceless, standing against fear.
Through the smoke hee transcends reality.
Through the smoke he transcends eternity.
His soul escaped hell , found darkness
And in the smoke, he vanished…
The flair ignited in my pocket.
He suffered from really bad flatulence.
The tagged leader found his fate.
Then finally the demon was released.
The revolution would not be stopped.