Written by Emily Harstone | June 7, 2016
Write a 6 word short story that goes with this image.
The mice had gone, crisis averted.
The cat they rescued had plans…
Look out,he’s right behind you.
Do you feel lucky?
I’ll strike; just wait and see!
Cute and cuddly, they said. Mwahahahaha.
The only witness stayed, silently watching.
I was here all the time.
Maybe i was passed adopting.
On second thought, I’ll go without.
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The mice had gone, crisis averted.
The cat they rescued had plans…
Look out,he’s right behind you.
Do you feel lucky?
I’ll strike; just wait and see!
Cute and cuddly, they said. Mwahahahaha.
The only witness stayed, silently watching.
I was here all the time.
Maybe i was passed adopting.
On second thought, I’ll go without.