Written by Emily Harstone | June 7, 2016
Write a 6 word short story that goes with this image.
Checking if the coast is clear.
Wonder if they know I’m watching.
Never should have reburied that cat.
She watches patiently from a distance.
He fancied watching them grill salmon.
What she saw around the corner…
I like you. You’ll die last.
No one seemed to notice her.
Peek a book, I see you
Yin and Yang kept him balanced.
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Checking if the coast is clear.
Wonder if they know I’m watching.
Never should have reburied that cat.
She watches patiently from a distance.
He fancied watching them grill salmon.
What she saw around the corner…
I like you. You’ll die last.
No one seemed to notice her.
Peek a book, I see you
Yin and Yang kept him balanced.