Written by Emily Harstone | April 12, 2016
Write a 6 word short story that goes with this image.
The male in mail went postal.
Just one more strike, then freedom.
I’ll give you “gimp-mask” you cunt.
There was no one to fight.
The knight faced his next opponent
The monster’s head would prove all.
In the evil midst triumph appeared…
I shouldn’t have insulted his mother.
Nose men defeated the soft southerners.
A gilded knight, soon to die.
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The male in mail went postal.
Just one more strike, then freedom.
I’ll give you “gimp-mask” you cunt.
There was no one to fight.
The knight faced his next opponent
The monster’s head would prove all.
In the evil midst triumph appeared…
I shouldn’t have insulted his mother.
Nose men defeated the soft southerners.
A gilded knight, soon to die.