Written by Emily Harstone | June 21, 2016
Write a 6 word short story that goes with this image.
Sky high, tunnels and light beyond
Reflected sunlight masks my self perception.
There was only one way out
Illumination has restored thirst for knowledge
Meanwhile, the heavens watched her closely.
The photographer mused: arise earlier tomorrow.
My soul inhaled with the Grandeur
Blinding rays streamed past shuttered windows.
Oh look, it’s finally stopped raining.
Looking up the light blinded me.
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Sky high, tunnels and light beyond
Reflected sunlight masks my self perception.
There was only one way out
Illumination has restored thirst for knowledge
Meanwhile, the heavens watched her closely.
The photographer mused: arise earlier tomorrow.
My soul inhaled with the Grandeur
Blinding rays streamed past shuttered windows.
Oh look, it’s finally stopped raining.
Looking up the light blinded me.