Written by Emily Harstone | October 4, 2016
That fucker should stay down now…
Calm flood surrounded her inner chaos.
With every breath she was drowning
With that last draw, she knew.
Life oozed darkly from reflecting pillars.
She risked cancer to ease MS.
One last smoke before the end.
That crazy Noah, right after all.
Sinking lower as she self-destructs.
Real coolness avoids drowning in blackness.
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That fucker should stay down now…
Calm flood surrounded her inner chaos.
With every breath she was drowning
With that last draw, she knew.
Life oozed darkly from reflecting pillars.
She risked cancer to ease MS.
One last smoke before the end.
That crazy Noah, right after all.
Sinking lower as she self-destructs.
Real coolness avoids drowning in blackness.