Written by Emily Harstone | October 4, 2016
This is a very ugly picture.
Hell’s pathway began and ended here.
Conquering minds from mist to glory.
And I was lifted up to…
The creek led to bottomless chasms.
She said Go if you must.
The path could not delay justice.
Genesis, hope, Phoenix, desires, calm, Life
You have your own path- uphill.
The warriors appeard from the mist.
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This is a very ugly picture.
Hell’s pathway began and ended here.
Conquering minds from mist to glory.
And I was lifted up to…
The creek led to bottomless chasms.
She said Go if you must.
The path could not delay justice.
Genesis, hope, Phoenix, desires, calm, Life
You have your own path- uphill.
The warriors appeard from the mist.