Written by Emily Harstone | May 2, 2016
Write a 6 word short story that goes with this image.
Portal opened and I just knew…
They welcomed the end of days.
“Let’s go, one last time.”
Inevitably, the light became his everything.
Life endlessly suspended as we collide….
It stole light, yet he remained…
And so he was lost forever…
What devours light will become it.
And with the light came darkness.
“Try some acid” they said.
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Portal opened and I just knew…
They welcomed the end of days.
“Let’s go, one last time.”
Inevitably, the light became his everything.
Life endlessly suspended as we collide….
It stole light, yet he remained…
And so he was lost forever…
What devours light will become it.
And with the light came darkness.
“Try some acid” they said.