Written by Emily Harstone | May 2, 2016
Write a 6 word short story that goes with this image.
Guilty? Do I look guilty? Seriously.
Iguanas aren’t only in St. Thomas
What was a thinking, Oh my!
Escaped. It’s a jungle out here.
I always eat whatever bugs me.
Finally he showed his true colours
He knows the next step is tricky
Triumphant, he surveyed his new kingdom.
Poised to unleash his fiery temper
Fizz was the best bearded dragon.
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Guilty? Do I look guilty? Seriously.
Iguanas aren’t only in St. Thomas
What was a thinking, Oh my!
Escaped. It’s a jungle out here.
I always eat whatever bugs me.
Finally he showed his true colours
He knows the next step is tricky
Triumphant, he surveyed his new kingdom.
Poised to unleash his fiery temper
Fizz was the best bearded dragon.