Written by Emily Harstone | April 5, 2016
Write a 6 word short story that goes with this image.
The one time yellow stands for bravery ….
The end looks good to me.
Morning. Wait? There was a cabin?!
Dying here made to much sense.
Last time I left seat up.
One sought shelter, another sought divinity.
Yards from the mountain, they rested.
Pssst…. Did it snow last night?
into a world of frozen beauty
His breath warmed my frozen flesh
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The one time yellow stands for bravery ….
The end looks good to me.
Morning. Wait? There was a cabin?!
Dying here made to much sense.
Last time I left seat up.
One sought shelter, another sought divinity.
Yards from the mountain, they rested.
Pssst…. Did it snow last night?
into a world of frozen beauty
His breath warmed my frozen flesh