Written by Emily Harstone | October 24, 2016
Stacked up like linen cord wood!
Neighbors on the left and right.
Necessity was displayed in living color.
Girl on the train sees home.
Everybody does their laundry on Saturday.
Falling. The laundry… like a rainbow.
Drying out afterward, took some time.
Window on the left, she watches…
Tucked safely away in her box.
And individuality still shined through conformity.
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Stacked up like linen cord wood!
Neighbors on the left and right.
Necessity was displayed in living color.
Girl on the train sees home.
Everybody does their laundry on Saturday.
Falling. The laundry… like a rainbow.
Drying out afterward, took some time.
Window on the left, she watches…
Tucked safely away in her box.
And individuality still shined through conformity.