Written by Emily Harstone | June 16, 2016
Write a 6 word short story that goes with this image.
I am on my own today
“Never eating a spicy burrito again.”
My glasses blurred my vision again
Lost in fog, time was gone
Lost in fog, time was gone.
Dawning on top of the hill.
They said the world was round.
Believe in things you cannot see.
Trembling, I see him amidst mist.
She was here a minute ago…
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I am on my own today
“Never eating a spicy burrito again.”
My glasses blurred my vision again
Lost in fog, time was gone
Lost in fog, time was gone.
Dawning on top of the hill.
They said the world was round.
Believe in things you cannot see.
Trembling, I see him amidst mist.
She was here a minute ago…