Written by Emily Harstone | June 21, 2016
Write a 6 word short story that goes with this image.
Curiosity gets blamed, but stupidity kills.
Will they pet me today, yes?
World’s wonders abound, untouched and inviting.
I drowned in predatory green eyes
Coolly calculating her plan of attack.
You, little bird shall be mine.
Lost no more you have me.
I found love at the pound
Magic green crystal eyes hyonotize me
Beautiful on the inside and outside.
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Curiosity gets blamed, but stupidity kills.
Will they pet me today, yes?
World’s wonders abound, untouched and inviting.
I drowned in predatory green eyes
Coolly calculating her plan of attack.
You, little bird shall be mine.
Lost no more you have me.
I found love at the pound
Magic green crystal eyes hyonotize me
Beautiful on the inside and outside.