Written by Emily Harstone | June 28, 2016
Write a 6 word short story that goes with this image.
O, splendid ruins! O, sacred desolation!
I always take the highest road.
Ancient ruins romance a forgotten past.
Castle wept, longing for eternity’s siren.
Lives long forgotten in time’s mists.
Journeys end, ancient family ruins found.
Visiting the ruins I was enlightened…
The struggle was swift and final.
Once a splendid king lived here
Castle ruins, of a bygone era.
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O, splendid ruins! O, sacred desolation!
I always take the highest road.
Ancient ruins romance a forgotten past.
Castle wept, longing for eternity’s siren.
Lives long forgotten in time’s mists.
Journeys end, ancient family ruins found.
Visiting the ruins I was enlightened…
The struggle was swift and final.
Once a splendid king lived here
Castle ruins, of a bygone era.