Written by Emily Harstone | July 21, 2016
Write a 6 word short story that goes with this image.
Overloaded, tangled – ready to short-circuit.
One is bound to work eventually!
They left without leaving a trace.
All I can see are flames.
Push the button and then run!
War-torn,grateful for scarce electricity.
The price we pay for progress
Some minds are this complicated.
Today I’m sampling walls of disconnection..
Now, which one’s for the light?
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Overloaded, tangled – ready to short-circuit.
One is bound to work eventually!
They left without leaving a trace.
All I can see are flames.
Push the button and then run!
War-torn,grateful for scarce electricity.
The price we pay for progress
Some minds are this complicated.
Today I’m sampling walls of disconnection..
Now, which one’s for the light?